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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

Hey, everyone hope you had a good break from school and took advantage of the nice weather we had over labor day. This weekend as for most of us I hung-out with some old friends, did some homework and spent time with my family.
Friday My friends and I went out to eat to my favorite restaurant called Los Corrals in downtown Kansas City, MO. After eating we went home changed our clothes and went to small party at my cousins house, it was really nice to see some of friends and discuss how college life is different to everyone. Around 1:00 am I drove home and fell asleep in my big my comfortable bed, which I missed tremendously. 
Saturday I woke up around 8:00 am and came to campus to get ready for our football game against Colorado Mines who were ranked twentieth in the nation for division II. It started off to be a decent game, even the weather was good until a storm came around half time and the game was delayed due to lightning. After the game I went out with my girlfriends who I hadn't seen in awhile and we grabbed some dinner and rented a movie to end the night.
Sunday I wake to my dad screaming my name telling me to get up because I had to help set up for my sister and grandpa's birthday. Finally we got all set up and my family arrived. At first everyone was just relaxing and eating watching a little pre-season football, until my little cousin hit their hyper mode. So to entertain them we all went outside and played soccer. I have to admit I was surprised everyone got involved even the dogs were playing with us. After an hour or so we all were burned out and decided to crash in front of the television. I ended the night relaxing in my big bed and watching severals movies.
Monday I was exhausted so I slept in till around noon till I smelt the distingue aroma of my dad's meatballs and sauce. Later that day I drove back to campus to do some homework and get ready for classes today. Well it's time to get back to work and only look forward to what this next weekend might bring, talk to you soon.

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